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2023 - Let's try something NEW!


The theme of this month’s blog is, perhaps unsurprisingly, “New”. Every January we think of the New Year, resolutions, “New Year, New Me”, and so on. And I’m one of those people who actually LOVES the idea of it. When you operate a farm, April-December is a whirlwind of planting, tending, harvesting, selling, providing. It’s often hard to think more than 5 minutes ahead. But as soon as December 26th hits, it’s time for me to get this crazy train back on the rails. And I will spend the next month or two reflecting on what worked, tweaking what didn’t, and preparing for the new year ahead. Not to mention getting my house in order and finishing all the half-finished to-do projects!

Speaking of house projects, I have been following an Instagram account called The Barta House which emphasizes the importance of a clutter-free house. How reducing the amount of unused items can free up your mental space and your time (less to clean) for the things you really care about. I know I am “in the trenches”, so to speak, with 3 young kids in the height of the toy era, but I know there are plenty of things that they don’t play with. Let alone the fact that I have a whole house full of things that have nothing to do with the kids that need to be reduced. And beyond that, I am going to have to be more intentional with the things I bring into our house. I think it will feel so much better to not be controlled by STUFF in 2023 and beyond.

fresh cut dahlia flowers in vase on side table

Looking back, one of my goals for 2022 was to “play” more with my flowers. And for no reason other than just the JOY that practicing and creating brings me. That wasn’t always easy to do when there are a million other more pressing chores to do, and yet my only regret is that I didn’t do even more! So, I am recommitting to that goal again in 2023. I’ll be scouring Pinterest for some inspo of floral installations or projects I could create and I am going to challenge myself more this year!

Missouri grown cut flower arrangement

Another thing I like to do is try a new variety of flowers each year. Even if I don’t end up liking them, I love the experiment of it. I have ordered several varieties of flowers I’ve never grown (because I was scared of them!), and I can’t wait to see how they work in our bouquets. Some of those include Stock, Foxglove, and Saponaria.

And lastly, if you align with any of the goals I mentioned, I’d love to help you reach yours. I will be sharing the process, things I’ve learned, and tips and tricks for success. I’m even hosting a few more workshops this year – NEW ONES – that we haven’t done before. And to be honest, I am so dang excited. I love teaching and I love seeing other people succeed! Look for those to start in March.

Megan presents a peony and spring flower arranging workshop.

Buckle up yall, 2023 is going to be a good one!

Sincerely, Megan

This blog post was written in participation in a Blogging Bee - an online gathering reminiscent of the quilting bees and sewing bees of days past when women would bring their work together to create art. If you enjoyed this post with the theme “New,” take a look at these posts from other farmers, small business owners, homesteaders, and creatives...

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1 commentaire

04 janv. 2023

Im so glad I read this!! Tips and tricks on REDUCING the unwanted and unneeded, send them my way!! Two small kiddos fill this house with toys, but I also have to blame us parents for also cluttering with unnecessary things!! I’m borrowing that goal for myself this year! ❤️❤️


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