You signed up for a Wreath Workshop, but you have a few questions? Start here!
Do I need to bring a ticket for my wreath workshop?
Nope! I have a list of everyone who purchased a wreath workshop spot and how many spots they bought. So if you come as a group, just let me know the purchaser's name.
Where will workshops be held this year?
Workshops will be held at the Kleffner Valley Event Center located at 158 Kleffner Valley Trail, Loose Creek, MO 65054. This location is right in the heart of Osage County and about 10 minutes in all directions from Linn, Loose Creek, Westphalia and Rich Fountain.
Do I need to bring anything?
Nope! I've got everything you need! I will have many embellishments and ribbon styles to choose from. If, however, you want a specific ribbon, such as one that matches your Christmas tree or other decor items, feel free to bring!
Can I bring in my own beverage of choice?
Yes, you can bring whatever suits you.
What time should I arrive? How long will the workshop last?
Plan to arrive about 5-10 minutes before your workshop. The run time is about 2.5 hours depending on the groups' needs.
Is there a dress code?
Not at all! Come in whatever you like. We've had some ladies get dressed up, some ladies wear Christmas pjs, and everything in between! Note: some participants feel it's easier to create their wreath while standing, rather than sitting (chairs are provided). Therefore, you may want to wear somewhat comfortable footwear, but that's totally up to you!
What do I do with my wreath when I get home?
After you've made your wreath, you can hang it on your door! I always recommend keeping it out of direct sunlight, specifically if you have a south-facing door with no covered porch. It can dry out in a hurry. You can spritz your wreath with water every few days, or even let it get rained on for added moisture. But truthfully, I usually forget to do all that after about the 2nd week and yet I keep my wreath up well into January. It may be a little dry, but it won't lose its color as long as you follow the steps above.
If you have any other questions about wreath workshops, please send me an email at I can't wait to make wreaths with you soon!
Sincerely, Megan
